2025-01-22 4.34k FIX: WEBServer APRS values can be entered freely. FIX: HELTEC E290 Vision display "CLEAR" with every text message FIX: Messages via EXTERN-UDP had triggered unnecessary ACK messages -...
2025-01-12 4.34i FIX: DM messages from gateway to gateway activated. FIX: WEBServer Refresh will also reconnect the mDNS function (node-callsign.local) if the WebServer is reconnected every 15 minutes....
Current MeshCom 4.0 MC Firmware 4.34e Release 2025-01-09 4.34e T-LORA Nodes improved. That these do not abort the LoRa-RX after some time BME/BMP280,... sometimes remained in...
Fireflies glow from Prater to Kahlenberg The chances of seeing fireflies are particularly high at the moment - even in Vienna. The fireflies can be seen on warm summer nights...
from version 4.33c The board connected via I2C has 16 GPIO pins Each pin can be individually labeled and set to input or output.
Current MeshCom 4.0 MC Firmware 4.33a Release 2024-05-30 4.33a WEBService TXPower to SETUP added Info extended by INA226 values New functions for: Voltage/current sensor I2C module INA226...
2024-04-21 RAK 13002 Port extension New user button function onetime press...display on/off and forwarding of the last received messages double press...sendpos/sendtrack depending on track mode tripple press...Track on/off MCP...
using SDR and RASPi to track migratory birds on VHF frequencies. A new ICSSW.org project is just taking off. The aim is to combine the know-how of radio amateurs and...
A warm hello to all those interested in the MeshCom 4.0 project, The MeshCom team has released a new version of the firmware. Rainer OE1KFR has developed the matching SmartPhone/Tablet-APP...
FOSDEM is an event for software developers to exchange ideas and promote collaboration. Every year, thousands of developers of free and open source software from all over the...