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ICSSW - Institute of Citizen Science for Space & Wireless Communication

The association, whose activities are not aimed at profit, pursues a non-profit purpose and the exclusive and basically direct promotion of this purpose for the general public and the common good in the spiritual, cultural, moral or material field.

The purpose of the association is:

To support the range of topics around "Citizen Science for Space & Wireless Communication":

  • Developing and experimenting with new technologies,
  • Implementation of project ideas including self-build prototypes,
  • collect and present information on current developments, projects and activities

In particular:

  • The scientific research and project development of new technologies related to
    • High frequency transmission of information and speech
    • the training and further education of technicians and radio amateurs
    • The development and support of satellites and satellite techniques with and for the Amateur Radio Service.
    • as well as raising funding and public relations.

Citizen Science refers to methods and fields of science in which research projects are carried out with the assistance of or entirely by interested laypersons. They formulate research questions, conduct research, report observations, carry out measurements, publish or evaluate data. Wikipedia

The target groups of these pages will be kept very broad.

There will be:

  • Students from technical schools and HTL's,
  • Students from technical colleges and universities,
  • and all those interested in radio technology for the transmission of voice and data in the terrestrial and orbital environment


The pages are intended both to provide an introduction to various topics and to provide detailed accompanying information on projects.