2025-01-12 4.34i
- FIX: DM messages from gateway to gateway activated.
- FIX: WEBServer Refresh will also use the mDNS function (node-callsign.local) is also reconnected if the WebServer is reconnected every 15 minutes and this function is not terminated first before it is restarted, memory overflow occurs
- FIX: WEBServer REFRESH button on the WEBServer message page removed so that a new message is not sent twice/several times
- FIX: If the display is set to off with a command, only text messages are displayed for a maximum of 30 seconds, after which the display is switched off again
- FIX: HELTEC V3.1 + V3.2 Volt/Proz display
- NEW: Set name with command for the node (typically first name)
- - setname xxxx (Example - - setname Kurt), Is transferred with the position in the text field
- NEW: BlueTooth coupling code with command
- - btcode 999999 can be defined in the flash of the node
- NEW: User button pin with the command
- - button gpio 99 can be defined in the flash of the node
- If no value or 0 is entered, the default BUTTON_PIN value is used.
- NEW: Set WiFi static IP address
- - setownip own IP address
- - setowngw own gateway address
- - setownms own IP mask
Click here to download: https://icssw.org/meshcom-versionen/
Or directly from the WEBFlasher: https://oe1kfr.com/esptool/