✅ these commands can be entered both via input in a serial console and in the APP as a message
✅ --volt Display indicator changes the display to battery in V
✅ --proz Display indicator changes the display to battery in %
✅ --maxv99.9 maximum charging voltage in V
✅ --buttonon activates the user button (TBEAM, TLORA, ESP32/E22, HELTEC V2/V3)
✅ --buttonoff deactivates the user button (TBEAM, TLORA, ESP32/E22, HELTEC V2/V3)
✅ --all brings up POS messages on the display again continuously until a message appears
✅ --msg only shows messages on the display (from the next message)
✅ --displayoff/on This turns the display off and only turns it on for 30 seconds when a text message is displayed (gateway remains permanently off)
✅ --sendpos a POS message with the last saved position is sent immediately
✅ --setlatxx.xxxxxx set to ° if no GPS available (values > 0 East)
✅ --setlonxxx.xxxxxx w.o. (values > 0 North)
✅ --setaltxxxxx m above sea level 0
✅ --utcoff+/- 99.9 Set the time difference between the local time and UTC
✅ --trackon activates the display for SmartBeaconing (transmission interval in seconds, heading in ° (last/current), distance in meters (to last point))
✅ --trackoff deactivates the display for SmartBeaconing
✅ --wx Displays weather data (BME280/BMP280 must be present)
✅ --pos Query the current saved position and the date/time
✅ --gpson/off activates GPS queries (necessary if GPS additional hardware is used)
✅ --bmeon activates the BME280 sensor
✅ --bmpon activates the BMP280 sensor
✅ --bmxoff deactivates the BME280, BMP280 or BME680 sensor
✅ --680on/off activates or deactivates the BME680 sensor
✅ --811on/off activates or deactivates the CMCU811 sensor
✅ --onewireon/off activates/deactivates the Onewire DS temperature sensor
✅ --onewiregpio 99 sets the OneWire GPIO PIN
✅ --gpson/off activates GPS queries (necessary if GPS add-on hardware is used)
✅ --reboot The firmware is reloaded and restarted (data in the flash memory is retained)
Commands directly from the smartphone APP:
Weather data query, if a BME or BMP chip has been connected to the I2C bus, can be called with the following command in the APP:
Position data, if a GPS chip is present on the hardware, can be called with the following command in the APP:
POS info
❌ these commands are prepared only for input in a serial console connected to the node. Note: not intended for input via APP.
❌ −−help die Liste der Kommandos abfragen
❌ −−info die aktuellen Betriebsparameter abfragen
❌ −−mheard (- – mh) die, seit dem letzten reboot, über LoRa-RX gehörten Stationen anzeigen
❌ −−setcall Callsign setzen (nur gültige Calls laut APRS) (Auto.-Reboot nach 15 Sekunden)
❌ −−setctry xx [EU, UK, US, VR2, 868, 915] setz die Landabhängigen LoRa-RX/TX-Parameter siehe Tabelle (Auto.-Reboot nach 15 Sekunden)
❌ −−setssid WIFIssid setzen (Auto.-Reboot nach 15 Sekunden wenn ssid und pwd gesetzt sind) max. 49 Zeichen
❌ −−setpwd WIFIpassword setzen (Auto.-Reboot nach 15 Sekunden wenn ssid und pwd gesetzt sind) max. 49 Zeichen
❌ −−setwifiap on/off WEBService in Access-Point-Mode setzen
❌ −−sethamnet bei der MeshCom-Server Verbindung die HAMNET-IP verwenden (Auto.-Reboot nach 10 Sekunden)
❌ −−setinet bei der MeshCom-Server Verbindung die INTERNET-IP verwenden (Auto.-Reboot nach 10 Sekunden)
❌ −−gateway on start Gateway zum MeshCom-Server via WIFI/ETH-connect
❌ −−webserver on start WEBService via Wifi/ETH IP-Verbindung
❌ −−webserver on start WEBService via Wifi/ETH IP-Verbindung
❌ −−setgrc … Eingabe des Gruppenfilters für den Node
Beispiele: −−setgrc232;2321;262;20) −−setgrc löscht die Gruppen
❌ −−setinfo on/off schaltet die Anzeige der LoRa-RX/TX und UDP-Messages an der Seriellen Konsole ein/aus
(wird nicht im Flash festgehalten)
❌ −−loradebug on/off schaltet die LoRa RX/TX-Debug-Hilfe ein und aus
❌ −−gpsdebug on/off schaltet die GPS-Debug-Hilfe ein und aus
❌ −−wxdebug on/off schaltet die WX-Sensor-Debug-Hilfe ein/aus (wird nicht im Flash festgehalten)
❌ −−bledebug on/off schaltet die BlueTooth-Debug-Hilfe ein/aus (wird nicht im Flash festgehalten)
❌ −−softserdebug on/off schaltet die Debug-Hilfe für die Seriell-Telemetrie-Funktionen ein und aus
(wird nicht im Flash festgehalten)
Send messages to ALL - directly from the serial console
:textnachricht eingeben und <ENTER>
It is also possible to send several prepared commands at once. It is best to prepare them in a notepad or similar and copy them into the buffer with CTRL+C and then paste them into the serial console connected to the MeshCom node with CTRL+V.
Messages in direct mode (DM) - send directly from the serial console
:{OE1KBC-1}textnachricht eingeben und <ENTER>
Example of a configuration
−−setcall MYCALL-12
−−setctry <Country-ID> oder <Country-Code>
−−setlat 48.3751
−−setlon 14.4350
−−setalt 490
The LoRa parameters such as frequency, bandwidth, spreading factor and coding rate are fixed by the country ID.
Country table
Country ID | Country code | Country | Center-Frequency MHz | Bandwith kHz | Spreading | Coding rate | Track-Frequency MHz |
Country ID: 0 | Country code: EU | Country: Europe | Center-Frequency MHz: 433.175 | Bandwith kHz: 250 | Spreading: 11 | Coding rate: 4/6 | Track-Frequency MHz: 433.775 |
Country ID: 1 | Country code: UK | Country: United Kingdom | Center-Frequency MHz: 439.9125 | Bandwith kHz: 125 | Spreading: 10 | Coding rate: 4/5 | Track-Frequency MHz: 433.775 |
Country ID: 2 | Country code: ON | Country: Belgium | Center-Frequency MHz: 433.175 | Bandwith kHz: 125 | Spreading: 12 | Coding rate: 4/6 | Track-Frequency MHz: 433.775 |
Country ID: 3 | Country code: EA | Country: Spain | Center-Frequency MHz: | Bandwith kHz: | Spreading: | Coding rate: | Track frequency MHz: 0 |
Country ID: 10 | Country code: US | Country: North-America | Center-Frequency MHz: 433.175 | Bandwith kHz: 250 | Spreading: 11 | Coding rate: 4/6 | Track-Frequency MHz: 433.775 |
Country ID: 11 | Country code: VR2 | Country: Hong Kong | Center-Frequency MHz: 435.775 | Bandwith kHz: 250 | Spreading: 11 | Coding rate: 4/6 | Track frequency MHz: 0 |
Country ID: 18 | Country code: 868 | Country: ISM-Frequency 868 | Center-Frequency MHz: 869.525 | Bandwith kHz: 250 | Spreading: 11 | Coding rate: 4/6 | Track frequency MHz: 0 |
Country ID: 19 | Country code: 915 | Country: ISM-Frequency 906 | Center-Frequency MHz: 906.875 | Bandwith kHz: 250 | Spreading: 11 | Coding rate: 4/6 | Track frequency MHz: 0 |
Country ID: 20 | Country code: MAN | Country: manual | Center-Frequency MHz: | Bandwith kHz: | Spreading: | Coding rate: | Track-Frequency MHz: 433.775 |
If the MeshCom node is to be used as a gateway, the following additional commands are required:
--setssid WIFIssid
--setpwd WIFIpassword
--gateway on
The gateway automatically configures the IP address of the MeshCom server based on the local IP address obtained via DHCP. To fix the MeshCom server selection when the local IP address is assigned via NAT, the desired MeshCom server IP address can be set to fixed.
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