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Amateur Radio Training "The World Without Borders

ONLINE Amateur Radio Course Winter 2023

The Institute of Citizen Science for Satelite & Wireless Communication (ICSSW) cooperates with the Vienna regional association in the ÖVSV in training. Thus, the vice president of the ICSSW is also course director for amateur radio training in Vienna.

"Amateur radio - the world without borders".

This hobby offers many opportunities to experiment with radio. We communicate in the community via radio and at the club evenings we chat about our hobby and build antennas and equipment together. The membership includes all services of the Vienna Regional Association, such as the use of the club rooms and workshops, and all ÖVSV services, such as the monthly club newspaper "QSP", email forwarding, the worldwide dispatch of radio confirmations (QSL cards) and much more. In the clubhouse we offer a lively club life with library, workshops, canteen and numerous lectures and common handicraft projects.

In order for you to enter this hobby, an examination with the telecommunications authority is necessary. Our training course serves as preparation for the amateur radio exam. The exam can be done in three classes (VHF radio, VHF/WHF radio and VHF/WHF radio with self-construction) which we will introduce to you at the kick-off. It is also possible to enter the hobby step by step because the fun of experimenting and the common radio experience should always be in the foreground.

Training Details:

We will start the next course with a "Kick-Off" on Friday, 27.1.2023, at 7pm with an ONLINE video conference (LINK will come with the registration confirmation). The course days will take place in February / March 2023. The exam following the course will be jointly registered by the ÖVSV-Landesverband-Wien at the Telecommunications Office. It is therefore very important to attend the kick-off on 27.1.2023 so that we can immediately prepare the registration for the amateur radio examination. If you are unable to attend, please contact the course instructor (see below). Details about the kick-off will be sent by email in time in January 2023.

Time required:

The time required depends on the class of the exam:

  • VHF radio (144-146, 430-440)
    • Class 3 ... Law (6h), operating technology (9h), technology (12h) ... Total 27h each once 3h per week
  • VHF/KW radio (144-146, 430-440 and some selected shortwave frequencies)
    • Class 4 ... Law (6h), operating technology (15h), technology (12h) ... Total 33h each twice 3h per week
  • VHF/KW radio with homebrew (All frequencies allowed for amateur radio)
    • Class 1 ... LAW (6h), OPERATIONAL ENGINEERING (15h) and ENGINEERING (21h) ... Total 42h each three times 3h per week

In addition, we offer review sessions in between and a mock exam at the end of the course.

How can I participate?

Membership in the Vienna Regional Association is a prerequisite for participation in the course. However, the course is free of charge for members. Please fill in the membership form so that a place on the course is firmly booked:
and send it by email to Kurt( and pay the membership fee for the association year 2023 to the account at Erste Bank, IBAN AT82 2011 1840 7479 6800.

I hope I could answer the first questions and I am always available via email for further questions.

The contact details of the course instructor:
Ing. Kurt Baumann
Course instructor
Phone: 0699/12003520


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