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RAK WisBlock Instruction

Pop WisBlock ist auf einer WisBlock-Basisplatine aufgebaut, einem Plattformträger, der ein einfaches Einstecken einer WisBlock Core-Verarbeitungsplatine und mehrerer WisBlock-Module ermöglicht. WisBlock Base bietet die Stromversorgung, Batterie- und Solarpanelversorgung und den Ladeblock. Darüber hinaus verfügt es über Anschlüsse zum Programmieren und Debuggen.

RAK Store:

RAK modules for use as MeshCom client:

  • RAK 4631-C Nordic nRF52840 BLE Core Module for LoRaWAN with LoRa SX1262
  • RAK 19007 WisBlock Base Board 2nd Gen
  • (only necessary for gateways) RAK 13800 Ethernet Module WIZnet W5100S-L


  • RAK 1910 GNSS Location Module (GPS)

Import RAK firmware for use as MeshCom client:

  • Load the firmware from the download and save the client FW file *.uf2 on the computer.
  • Connect the prepared RAK-WisBlock MeshCom client module to the computer using the USB-C cable.
  • Press the mini-button (right next to the USB-C socket) twice in quick succession. The green LED must light up afterwards.
  • This opens a drive on the computer with the volume name RAK4631 and the following contents:
    • INDEX
    • INFO_IFW
  • the already stored file *.uf2 to this drive "drag" or copy.
  • The drive will automatically close after the transfer and the RAK module will automatically restart the newly loaded firmware.

This allows the RAK module to be used as a MeshCom client. The use with the ANDROID or IPhone MeshCom 4.0 APP is possible.

Import RAK firmware for use as MeshCom gateway:

This allows the RAK module to be used as a MeshCom gateway. The MeshCom firmware automatically obtains the IP setting from the local network via DHCP.

A connection via I-NET as well as HAMNET is possible. The route depends on the IP address provided via DHCP. If the local address starts with 44. then a connection via HAMNET to the server is searched.

However, the gateway must be activated with the --gatewayon command. If the gateway is to access via a HAMNET-NETZ and thus a HAMNET-IP, the command --sethamnet is also required.


Note: Sometimes RAK modules are released which do not have the current bootloader flashed.

You can notice this: when you press the RESET button on the RAK module twice in quick succession and the green LED does not start to light up.

Then please download the latest bootloader here:

To flash the new bootload it is necessary to press the RESET button twice in quick succession, and even if by the old bootloader the green light is not lit, a drive is opened. On this is just loaded file *.uf2 copy.

If a message appears before the green bar has run through to 100%, select the "Skip" variant.

RAK install new bootloader with adafruit-nrfutil:

sudo adafruit-nrfutil -verbose dfu serial -package ./ -port /dev/ttyACM0 -b 115200 -singlebank -touch 1200

Delete RAK firmware completely

If a major change of memory usage was made on a FW version it may be necessary to delete the firmware memory completely. You can find this file under the MeshCom tools or here:

  • Press the mini-button (right next to the USB-C socket) twice in quick succession. The green LED must light up afterwards.
  • Push the Firmware-Erase.uf2 onto the drive
  • Call PuTYY or another serial console and open the COM port assigned for the RAK module with 116200 baud.
  • Die Frage, ob alles gelöscht werden soll mit dem Button ENTER bestätigen.

RAK Converting RAK4631-R to RAK4631

RAK 4630 modules are delivered which are in AT+ command mode. These can be converted for flashing via nrfutil as follows.

  • Connect the RAK module to USB and determine the COM interface in the device manager. In our example COM24
  • Open the serial interface to COM24 with 115600 baud using PuTTY
  • Kommando AT+BOOT <enter>
  • RAK module is automatically rebooted
  • Check again whether the COM interface has changed.


  • Load the following files into a shared directory:
    • nrfutil.exe
    • adafruit-nrfutil.exe
    • (current firmware)
  • execute the following commands from the created directory:
    • nrfutil.exe dfu serial -pkg -p COM24
    • adafruit-nrfutil.exe -verbose dfu serial -package -p COM24
    • adafruit-nrfutil.exe -verbose dfu serial -package -p COM25

Note: The blue LED must start flashing after a short time.

The RAK 4160 module is then ready for further configuration of callsigns etc.


General notes

The configuration of the call sign can be done with a serial console (PuTTY) via the COM interface assigned to the RAK module or via SmartPhone APP (BlueTooth). The command in each case is --setcallOE0XXX-99

73 de Kurt