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Onewire temperature sensor

  • Connect sensor to Onewire GPIO pin. The pin is connected to the Command
  • --onewire gpio 99  to set.
    • All ESP32 and RAK modules are supported
      • Onewire Data-PIN with 4k7 resistor against 3.3V high voltage.
    • The sensor is connected to
      • --onewire on activated.
      • --onewire off deactivated.
    • The data can be transferred via serial console or APP with
      • --weather or
      • --wx
      • can be queried.
  • --wxdebug on provides additional information via the serial console as an installation aid
  • Tested GPIO pins
    • T-LORA T3_V1.6.1 GPIO 25
    • HELTEC_V2 GPIO 17
    • E22 Board from OE5HWN GPIO 25
    • RAK with extra board 13002 IO01