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GPS module

UBLOX GPS module
T-LORA T3_V1.6 GPS connection

Attention regarding the supply voltage: Only 3.3V GPS modules may be used.

  • GPS6MV2 HW-248 - UBLOX NEO-6M-0-001
    • Connections GND, VCC, TX, RX
      • HELTEC-V2
        • RX <- Pin 23  (TX am Modul)
        • TX -> Pin 3 (RX on the module)
      • HELTEC-V3
        • RX <- Pin 47 (TX am Modul)
        • TX -> pin 48 (RX on the module)
      • ESP32-E22
        • RX <- Pin 17 (TX am Modul)
        • TX -> Pin 16 (RX on the module)
      • TLORA T3_V1.6.1
        • RX <- Pin 13 (TX am Modul)
        • TX <- Pin 15 (RX am Modul)