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BMP/BME280 sensor

  • Connect sensor to I2C bus (use PINs like OLED)
    • Supported are the ESP32 modules
      • TBEAM, HELTEC-V2, HELTEC-V3, SP32-E2, TLORA T3_V1.6.1
        • I2C pins, attention at 3.3V terminate the VDD
      • TLORA T3_V1.6.1 ...... VIN...PIN 3.3V, GND...PIN GND, SCL...IO22, SDA...IO21
    • The respective sensor must be connected to
      • --bmp on
      • --bme on
    • be activated. Do not forget to reboot.
      • --bmx off switches off the use completely
    • The data can be transferred via serial console or APP with
      • --weather
      • --wx
      • are queried
  • --wxdebug on provides additional information via the serial console as an installation aid