Current MeshCom 4.0 MC firmware 4.33a release
2024-05-30 4.33a
- WEBService
- TXPower to SETUP added
- Info extended by INA226 values
- New functions for:
- Voltage/current sensor I2C module INA226
- RealType Clock I2C module DS3231
- LoRa modules SX126x and SX127x with improved RX/TX loop with interrupt
- Country code EU8 and UK8 set the preamble to 8 symbols instead of 32
- New commands for Group Call (GRC)
- -setgrc
- Example:
- Set groups - setgrc 232;2321;2327
- Delete groups - -setgrc
- The first group entry is also the master group
- APP version 4.15
- Country code selection
- Group Call (GRC) group selection
The current hardware modules:
INA226 Current/voltageSensor
- The sensor can process voltages of up to 36V DC and/or up to 20A DC. The sensor is connected to a LoRa node via I2C.
- The sensor is activated with the command --226on and deactivated with --226off.
- The values can be displayed in the WEBService or with the --info command.
RTC DS3231 Real-Time-Clock with battery
- The real-time clock can be set with the date and time and can be queried as required. The date and time are retained even after a restart. The data is set and queried via an I2C address.
- The RTC is activated with the command --rtc on and deactivated with --rtc off.
- The date and time can be set in WEBService.
- If an RTC is used, the date/time messages are not evaluated.
If a GPS module is active, the date and time are taken from the GPS module.
Cool thing with the current/voltage sensor
Telemetry is also a good application for relay radio stations on the mountain or for BLACKOUT.
Can you write more about group calling (GRC)? For example, what do the numbers mean?
Groups are like DMR Talk groups. You can select which Messages you are listening to. Select 232 for Austria.